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The Creative Process


Divergent Thinking


The intended goal for the original idea was to tell the stories of around five close friends who are second-generation in the form of an article. The idea grew larger as I gauged interest and the participant pool grew to over 200 intrigued volunteers. The interest was clearly there and building a website for their stories to live was only natural. 



Each person's story in this piece is their own. It is how they have come to be and a reflection of who they have become because of their culture. The newness and rarity of each story is what makes the piece together woven into something much more unique.



The amount of detail that was put into this piece exceeds that of many others in our lecture.  To prepare for each shoot, I took the time to get to know each participant and ask them a few questions about their culture prior to meeting. I also ask that they bring an item they carry here at school related to their home culture. This had to have been my favorite part of the creative process. Each photo shoot took location scouting, scheduling, shoot time, interview sessions, editing, and review. This project took far longer than intended for all of the right reasons.



Personality & Motivations


When taking the personality evaluations, I personally score highest in areas of extraversion and agreeableness, more specifically in sublevels of enthusiasm and compassion. My compassion for others and my personal drive to promote cultural competency in society fueled this piece.


There were various motivations when creating Gen2U. The extrinsic motivation is very straightforward in that it is performance-based and I am receiving a grade for Educational Psychology Lecture. My intrinsic motivations come from what I am able to teach others and represent by creating this project. I am providing a new perspective by creating this platform for second-generation Americans to tell their story. This project was more-so driven by intrinsic means in that I had a "love what you do" ambition that kept this project running and dar exceeding the original goal.



Four Cs

Of the Four Cs of creativity, my project is considered Little-C, or everyday creativity. I was inspired to create this piece based on my own personal motivation and original thought. I have seen documentary photo projects before on Facebook and Instagram, but never with this specified audience or focus on the education. I sought feedback from trusted peers in the creative community and continued my process from there.

The Creative Process: Services
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