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Jackie M

Majors: Sport Management & Communication

Hometown: New Canaan, Connecticut

Age: 21

Father's Home Country: Switzerland

Mother's Home Country: United States




"Swiss culture is very important to me. I grew up going to Switzerland every other year because my dad’s family still lives there. My oma, or grandma, my aunt and uncle, and my cousins live there. My dad is also a very proud Swiss man, so anytime he can he brings up our heritage or we eat a Swiss food, like raclette and fondue. I also am a Swiss citizen, so that makes it even more important for me to represent my culture. I am also fourth-generation Chinese and we continue to celebrate our culture here.


Education is very valuable to me because it was instilled in me since a young age that I need to get the highest education possible. My dad did not go to college so he has always wanted me to get the highest education possible. In Switzerland, only a certain few students continue on after high school. You have to get certain grades to continue on and if you don’t, then you start an apprenticeship in a field that is kind of given to you. My dad did an apprenticeship with a bank and was able to come over to America while working with a Swiss bank. He wanted my brothers ane me to get a college education and he wants me to continue on to a Master’s degree."




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