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Bernice M

Majors: Psychology & Criminology

Hometown: West Hartford, Connecticut

Age: 21
Mother's  Home Country: Mexico

Father's Home Country: Chile



"I am the first in my family to attend college/university. My father finished high school and my mom finished the eighth grade and they both stopped studying after that. Education is valuable to me because my parents never got the opportunity to have an education therefore it is important to me because I see how much a difference their lives would have been if they did have the opportunity to have an education. Education is most certainly an education for me because my parents encourage me to get an education and have a profession.



I go to Mexico on average once every two years. I’ve been to Chile three times and spent an entire month there last summer. It makes me cherish everything I have here in the United States. I also love seeing the culture, speaking the language, and the food. My entire family lives in Mexico and Chile so it is very special when I go see them.



Although I was born in America, I have the beautiful privilege to have two unique cultures that I can also emerge myself in." 

Bernice M: Bio
Bernice M: Gallery
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